Monday, May 19, 2008


Welcome to my blog. Granted, the last thing the cyberworld needs is yet another blogspot but, I ask myself, why not join the party in this modern age of instant and comprehensive self-expression? I do not flatter myself that I am any more clever or witty than thousands of other bloggers. Yet, due to my life experience, I may have an interesting perspective on the world around me and my own involvement in it. I have posed the immortal question to myself a good number of times: what the hell is going on here anyway? And I have done some serious looking. I am now sixty-one years old (and I gently remind you that 60 is the new 40), I'm still going strong, still curious about and interested in lots of things. I am, by all accounts, a pretty serious guy. In the accompanying pic I may look like I've just swallowed a dill pickle or interrupted a reading of the complete works of Schopenhauer -- but don't buy it . It's all a facade; it's stage make-up and a costume. Behind it all is a person even unknown to me. And before I figure out who is inhabiting this body, this mortal frame will have turned to dust and the 'me' dissolved into thin air. Such is life.
Last year I had an opera of mine successfully premiered here in Kansas City. That was, if I may say so myself, pretty cool -- and astonishing even to myself. Who determines when you should 'hang it up'? Nobody but yourself. So, my opening words of wisdom are: continue to be curious and enjoy what life has to offer. Don't believe anything. At the same time don't forget the exploration of that ever intriguing question: What's it all for?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad you're doing this John, you are a wonderful writer.